Santa Claus has been delivering presents to children for centuries. How does Santa deliver all of the Christmas gifts in one night? Santa talks about how he uses logistics to makes sure every boy and girl has a present to open Christmas morning, and shares some other interesting facts about Santa's work with us!

Bill: Hi Santa, Thank you for taking some time to fly down from the North Pole all the way to Philadelphia to meet with use today. It must be hard to find the time during this busy season!
Santa: Well thank you for having me. I always like to make time to speak with my helpers. Many fulfillment centers across America just like Shipmate help make Christmas possible it has really made things easier on Santa the last few years.

Bill: So Santa you have been delivering presents for hundreds of years now, how have things changed overtime?
Santa: Well, over the years Christmas has grown and so has my operation. In the early years, it was just me and the elves making a few toys and giving them out to the local children, but as my workshop grew and I hired more and more elves it became more difficult to meet the needs of the world’s children. Soon, I was relying on department stores, and Main Street America to help me ensure every boy and girl got a present. Today things are much different. Kids want iPads, cell phones, and the newest gaming systems. The elves aren't very good at making these so I needed some help. Today a large part of Christmas happens online. Many people place their orders with businesses big and small all across the world and warehouses like Shipmate help to deliver these gifts in time for Christmas.

Bill: That is very interesting Santa. So, you are saying that you don't have to go down every chimney around the entire world anymore? That must save you a lot of time!
Santa: Well, Santa still does go down a chimney or two on Christmas Eve, but I don't have to go down nearly as many as I had to in the past. Many houses don't even have a chimney anymore! Today I rely on many of the same carriers and service providers that Shipmate does to make sure the Christmas gifts arrive in time. The world of logistics is very complicated. Many times presents will be freighted across the ocean in bulk, stored at warehouses like Shipmate Fulfillment, and then shipped out on the back of a UPS truck or a FedEx plane to a family. A single present could travel thousands of miles to reach the little boy or girl that it is intended for.

Bill: Well Santa, it is very interesting just how presents get to every home in the country. Could you explain how a present is packed and shipped from a facility like this one?
Santa: Sure I would love to! There are thousands of warehouses all across the country just like Shipmate Fulfillment. These warehouses all store merchandise that belongs to various companies both large and small. Many of these companies are ecommerce companies, and their products can be ordered online. When somebody orders one of these products online, the order is sent to one of these warehouses where the order enters a fulfillment queue. Once the order reaches the front of the queue, a picker will select the order from a shelf somewhere in the warehouse and place it into a bin or cart. Once the item is in the bin it will be transferred to a Packer who will then pack the item and apply a shipping label. Once a shipping label is applied the gift will then be sorted based on which carrier will be delivering it to its final destination. These goods are then sorted onto trucks and after their journey will arrive at your doorstep!

Bill: Wow Santa, that sounds like there's a lot that goes into shipping a Christmas present. Do you have any tips for any last minute shoppers that are buying gifts at the last minute?
Santa: Well, as Christmas approaches there are less and less days for a package to arrive. Although, shipping delays are not as common as they were last year, they are still occurring at a rate much higher than throughout the rest of the year. If you are a last minute shopper you may want to consider paying extra for express shipping, or purchasing goods from a company or warehouse that is located closer to you as the item does not need to travel as far. These two tips can help you save Christmas at the very last minute!

Bill: That is a very good tip Santa, many people do not think about where an item is being shipped from when they make a purchase. This can have a huge impact with shipping and transit times. Is there anything else you want to say before you head back to the North Pole?
Santa: I just wanted to wish all the readers a very Merry Christmas extra happy New Year, especially the Shipmate blog subscribers! Also, if you still have a chimney please remember to leave Santa lots of milk and cookies, as well as carrots for the reindeer, especially Dasher he loves carrots! Finally as a very famous book says, “A Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!”