Many eCommerce sellers are already preparing for the 2021 Holiday Season. If you're not, don't worry! In this article, I will share 10 things that eCommerce merchants need to do now in order to prepare for Q4 2021. Q4 is a really exciting time of year - not only because it's the holiday season but also because there are a lot of opportunities to make money as an eCommerce seller during the last quarter of the year!

Tip #1: Update Your Listings!
Heading into this years holiday season it is important to make sure all your listings are up to date and accurate. Holiday shoppers are browsing everywhere and an attractive listing is key to boosting sales. Make sure to make any last minute changes or edits now, before the season approaches.

Tip #2: Adjust You Ad Spending
As you know, eCommerce has higher than average sales during the holiday season. It is important to make sure your ad budget reflects this! Make sure all of your bids are adjusted so that you can take full advantage of the increased amount of traffic and possible conversions. Also watch out for any daily caps on spending as they may need adjusting too in order to meet your budget goals.

Tip #3: Acquire Any Last Minute Inventory ASAP!
Make sure you have enough inventory to get through the entire holiday season. As an eCommerce seller you need to have inventory on hand in order to sell it. Ports are backed up and ocean freight has slowed. Make any last minute orders ASAP as additional inventory may not arrive in time for the season.

Tip #4: Fine Tune Your Logistics And Distribution Network
Make sure you have a plan in place for how product will be shipped to customers during the busy holiday season. Holiday shoppers are expecting quick shipping! Do you have a back up plan in place, should any of your suppliers or ports not be able to meet demand? Have you thought about how product will be shipped from an alternate inventory source if needed? Can you self fulfill or ship from another warehouse if FBA or your current fulfillment provider cannot meet your order fulfillment needs.

Tip #5: Expand Your Sales Channels!
ABC always be closing! The fastest way to grow your business is to sell on multiple sales channels. Try out other marketplaces and websites to maximize sales Try selling on additional marketplaces or even different countries altogether! Listing products for sale across all the relevant platforms means that you are increasing your chances of converting a shopper into a buyer, which will ultimately help you achieve your yearly sales goals.

Tip #6: Plan Any Sales Or Promotions
Sales and promotions are great ways to increase sales as everyone loves a good deal. Try using some sales or promotional strategies this holiday season! Here are some ideas:
Holiday Sale: run a percent off sale for the entire holiday season
Holiday Packages: create bundles or discounted packages that can be purchased by customers
Final Countdown Deals: Set up any last minute deals in order to make one final push before the holidays are over
Holiday Free Shipping: Offer free shipping for the holiday season

Tip #7: Don't Forget Black Friday And Cyber Monday
Don't forget to take advantage of Black Friday and Cyber Monday! Holiday shoppers are expecting discounts during these days. Make sure you have an online sale planned for the best shopping day of the year (Black Friday) as it is known to boost sales significantly over other days throughout this season. Also make sure your site can handle any increase in traffic from increased sales! Sometimes these two days alone can make or break your entire holiday season due to their elevated volume.

Tip #8: Set SMART Goals For The Quarter
You should have goals throughout the year, but make sure you set SMART goals for the holiday season specifically ! No matter what your business is, making daily or weekly progress towards these small milestones will help to ensure that you stay on track. SMART stands for:
S: Specific
M: Measurable
A: Achievable
R: Relevant and realistic
T: Time-bound and Trackable.
Use the SMART goal writing framework to help you set goals that will bring your business closer to success! Holiday buyers are expecting great deals this season so make sure you are ready to meet their expectations!

Tip #9: Remember To Have Fun!
The holiday season is supposed to be fun! Holiday shoppers are expecting big discounts and great deals. Don't let the stress of reaching your yearly sales goals ruin the holidays for you or your employees, instead use this time as an opportunity to show appreciation towards them. Make sure that you take some much needed R&R during the break so that when the New Year comes around you are ready to take on the next quarter! Holiday shoppers can be a tough crowd, but with proper planning your business will have an amazing holiday season. If you remember these tips then there should be no reason why your online store should not meet or exceed its yearly sales numbers!

Tip #10: Ask For Help When You Need It!
Ask for help when you need it! Holiday season can be very stressful and there might come a time where you feel like giving up. Don't let this feeling prevent your business from reaching its full potential, instead try asking for help or finding solutions to your problems so that everything will run smoothly during the holiday shopping rush! There are plenty of service providers and strategic partners that can help you with any issue your business is facing. Remember that you are not alone and that you should never be afraid to ask for help! Holiday shoppers are expecting a smooth shopping experience so make sure you deliver!

I hope this article has been helpful and provides you with some ideas on how to prepare for the holiday season. If you have any other questions about Q4 or anything else, please don’t hesitate to leave a comment below! Happy holidays from all of us at Shipmate Fulfillment!