It's shipping season! Whether you're shipping a gift to your friend, or shipping a package for work, the first thing that needs to be addressed is how to address it. This blog post will cover all of the necessary aspects of addressing any package or envelope for domestic shipping. We'll go over what information should be included on the address label as well as an example of an address label.

Add a return address:
The return address also know as the "from address" is the address that the shipping company will use to send your package back if it cannot be delivered. Standard practice is for this information to go on the top left-hand corner of an envelope, but since shipping labels are typically placed along the bottom edge of a box or other shipping container there really isn't any "top". The easiest way to do this is to simply type the shipping address in the "from" line of your shipping label. If you are handwriting your address, be sure to write clearly and include the information below.

Sender Name:
The first part of a return address is the sender's name. This is the full name of whoever shipping the package. It can be you, your company or any other person associated with the shipping address.
Shipmate Fulfillment
1501 Unity St.
Philadelphia, PA 19124
United States
Street Address:
The second part of a return address should include both the street number and name, as well as any unit or apartment numbers.
Shipmate Fulfillment
1501 Unity St.
Philadelphia, PA 19124
United States
City, State, And Zip Code:
The third part of a return address should include the shipping city, state and zip code.
Shipmate Fulfillment
1501 Unity St.
Philadelphia, PA 19124
United States
The final part of a return address should state the shipping country. This helps identify the location of where the package is being sent from and will be used by customs to determine if any taxes or tariffs need to be paid on your package before it reaches its destination.
Shipmate Fulfillment
1501 Unity St.
Philadelphia, PA 19124
United States

Add a recipient's address
The recipient address often known as the "To address”, is the shipping address that will be used to deliver your package. This address is written in the middle of the box or envelope. This should include all the same information you would find on a standard shipping label, which can be found below:

Recipient Name:
The first part of an address is the recipient's name. This should match exactly how it appears in the customer's shipping account or if ordering from Amazon or another online marketplace the shipping address associated with their account.
Matey Boxington
835 Winder Dr.
Bristol, PA 19007
United States
Street Address:
The second part of a recipient address should include both the street number and name, as well as any unit or apartment numbers.
Matey Boxington
835 Winder Dr.
Bristol, PA 19007
United States
City, State, And Zip code:
The third part of a recipient address should include the shipping city, state and zip code.
Matey Boxington
835 Winder Dr.
Bristol, PA 19007
United States
The final part of a recipient address should state the receiving country. This helps identify the location of where the package is being sent to and will be used by customs to determine if any taxes or tariffs need to be paid on your package before it reaches its destination.
Matey Boxington
835 Winder Dr.
Bristol, PA 19007
United States

Put the correct postage on the package
After addressing your package be sure to purchase the proper postage. Many times if you are purchasing your postage online both addresses will appear on the label and will not need to be written on the physical package, however if you are taking the package to the post office or a UPS store a postage label will need to be attached and the provided address will determine the amount of postage purchased.

Looks like you're all set to ship your gifts this year! Now that you know how to address an envelope or package, make sure to include all of the necessary information for delivery. You can go over our blog post again if you need a refresher on what needs to be included.