The Psychology of Colors: Effecting Customer Attitudes



Many studies have found that colors can actually effect customer attitudes. The colors you choose to use on your website, for example, can lead to more positive or negative feelings about the people who own the company and their product. This is why it's important to consider colors carefully when designing a brand identity. It's not just about picking colors that look nice together; colors also need to be chosen based on how they will affect customers' emotions!

color pencil set
Photo by Miguel Á. Padriñán on

What are some common colors and what do they represent?


Red colors can represent anger, passion or danger. It is the color of fire and blood which are both associated with strong emotions. Red colors can be used to convey emotions of excitement, energy and action.

person preparing hot air balloon
Photo by Shvets Anna on


Blue colors are calming colors that can also be seen as cold colors or colors associated with water. Blue colors can be used to convey emotions of trust, security and dependability.

blue sun hat
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Green colors are refreshing colors that represent balance and harmony. Green colors are also colors associated with nature and the earth. Green colors can be used to convey emotions of peace, calmness, fertility or renewal.

white and green throw pillows
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Purple colors are royal colors that represent luxury, wealth and extravagance. Purple colors can be used to convey emotions of wisdom, intelligence or mystery.

focus photo of lavender on basket
Photo by Jill Wellington on


Orange colors are lively colors associated with happiness. Orange colors can be used to convey emotions of warmth, friendliness and creativity.

smiling women
Photo by Asya Cusima on


Yellow colors represent sunshine colors that can be seen as warm colors. Yellow colors are associated with joy, happiness and energy.

duckling on black soil during daytime
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White colors are pure colors representing innocence or purity. White colors are also colors associated with life, birth and renewal.

woman in white wedding dress holding unpaired white leather shoe
Photo by Rene Asmussen on


Black colors represent power colors that can be seen as cold or formal colors. Black colors can represent authority or death.

positive senior man in eyeglasses showing thumbs up and looking at camera
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on


Brown colors are natural colors also representing the earth and nature. Brown colors may be seen as simple colors.

close up photo of wooden surface
Photo by Julia Volk on

How does color affect customer attitudes

When colors are used correctly, they can actually have a positive effect on customer attitudes. A study showed that when colors were paired with an image of a woman wearing sunglasses and holding up two fingers in the peace sign, customers found her to be more approachable and trustworthy when she was associated with green colors as opposed to red colors. When customers see colors that they see as warm colors such as orange, yellow and red colors it can lead to more positive feelings about the company or product. Customers also prefer websites with colors that are bright and vivid which is why color psychology should be considered when designing a website.

Color associations may vary across cultures so you will need to consider your target market when choosing colors. For example, in China colors associated with luck are red and gold colors while in Germany colors associated with purity are white colors.

When designing a brand identity it's important to consider color associations for your industry or target market when choosing colors that represent the company or product appropriately. Your choice of colors can lead customers to feel either positively about the company and product or negatively. It's important to use colors that will lead customers to have feelings of trust, security and dependability when they are interacting with your brand. When you choose colors carefully it can make a big difference in the way customers view your business!

a couple shopping for hats
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Why is color important in marketing?

Color is important to marketing because colors can affect customers' emotions and attitudes. Choosing colors that represent your brand appropriately will help you achieve the desired emotional effect on customers which leads to positive feelings about your business or product! Using colors correctly can also lead customers to associate certain characteristics with your company such as trustworthiness, dependability, excitement, energy and more!

silver imac displaying collage photos
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How can you use color to increase customer engagement?

When colors are used correctly, they can actually have a positive effect on customer attitudes. Colors that represent warmth such as orange colors or red colors tend to lead customers to feel more positively about the company or product whereas colors like black and dark gray colors may be seen as cold colors which can lead customers to associate those feelings with your business. Bright warm and welcoming colors are colors that customers are more likely to engage with on a website.

When designing your brand identity, it is important to consider the color associations for your industry or target market as colors can lead customers to feel either positively about the company and product or negatively. Using colors that will evoke positive emotions is important when trying to engage customers and create a positive relationship.

happy woman visiting floral shop and buying bouquet
Photo by Amina Filkins on

Examples of the psychological effects of color in everyday brands

Some brands that come to mind when discussing a strategic use of color are McDonald's, Starbucks and Coca-Cola.

McDonald's uses the colors yellow and red to represent their brand. The colors are bright and inviting which gives customers the impression that they serve fresh, quick food rather than fast-food.

Starbucks uses green and white colors to represent their brand. The colors are calming and earthy which give customers the impression that Starbucks is a "healthy" coffee company in comparison to other coffee companies.

Coca-Cola uses red colors and white colors to represent their brand. The colors evoke feelings of happiness and nostalgia which give customers the impression that Coca-Cola is a fun, inviting brand.

Using colors strategically can also help your customers associate certain characteristics with your company such as trustworthiness, dependability, excitement and more!

mcdonalds fries on white table
Photo by Polina Tankilevitch on


You may not think that colors can really change your mood or attitude, but studies show that this is actually true. The color red, for instance, has been found to evoke feelings of anger and hostility in people; blue can make you feel more creative and peaceful; yellow tends to generate a feeling of happiness. When considering the design process (or even just picking out new paint) before choosing what color(s) you want on your website, it's important to consider how those colors will affect customers' emotions about both themselves and your company as well! What are the colors of your brand? Do they say anything about who you are as a business?

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